Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Five on Five (5/5) Part II

And we are back! What a night that was but more on that later! Without much ado I shall continue the story from when we left Leo’s. So far we’ve been to Alps and Leo’s. Out of Leo’s and into Mondegar!

Cafe Mondegar is livelier than Leo’s. It’s got a diner kind of a feel to it, with a coin operated jukebox at the end of the room. The music only added to the drinking experience I say! Most of the places usually have no music, or way too loud for you to enjoy your drinks with nice company, but Mondegar has it right! We were joined by a friend at this point, and we had a large and a regular pitcher here. Unlike Leo’s, Mondegar has nothing complimentary. It was about 10 in the night when we left from Mondegar and I had to ask my cousin if he wished to go home (since he had an early morning flight to catch) or ‘HOME’ home (if he wished to continue with the bar hopping). My cousin very wisely chose ‘HOME’ home.

We then turned around the block and headed to the next bar on our checklist, Gokul. Now I had heard a lot about this bar, my girlfriend has been dying to visit the place. Having been to many bars in Bombay I wasn’t very comfortable with the idea of her visiting a bar. This however changed the moment we entered Gokul. It’s like a typical, regular, shady bar in Bombay like Krishna Chaya, Janta, Raj Palace, etc. The crowd however was decent enough for the girlies to come visit by themselves. This place is quite known for its food, we ordered 2 butter chickens and 8 rumali rotis for the four of us! To my surprise, Gokul also serves pitchers! The food was, to be very honest, overhyped. It was nothing special as compared to any other bar in Bombay. But it is indeed a decent place for one to bring girls along to (family place? That would be pushing it!). 

We were all pleased at this point. Never before had we completed the full circle of drinking on that block before! We somehow always missed out Gokul before that night! We all, however, were not in the mood to call it a day. So we decided to hit on last bar, Woodside Inn, a friend suggested. We hit the place, and oh boy! What a fantastic place! Tucked away in the architecture of old Bombay, this little place is a smooth blend of the old architecture and modern life. Pleasantly lit up, they retain and flaunt the wrought iron support beams! A lot of wood work has been done, and very tastefully indeed! A bunch of black and white photographs donning the wall remind of the bygone era. A close look on one of the photos however will reveal a Toyota Corolla!  The service was quite prompt and the beer refreshing! I think it's become one of my favorites in town!

Finally at some point after midnight we hopped into a cab and headed back home: a drive through the marine drive, a quick halt at Malabar hill and finally the sea link. I think with that we pretty much covered quite a lot of Bombay a teenager would like to see!

And again we depart only to meet again soon! Drunk Guru out, take care and drink responsibly!


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