Thursday, June 9, 2011

Rising Prices and Ages

Recently the Maharashtra government increased the drinking age for beer and hard drinks from 18 and 21 to 21 and 25 respectively. Wait a minute... So basically the activity that I’ve been doing for the past four years (legally) is illegal now?! Apart from that the government has also banned serving alcohol at all public functions and ceremonies.

"One of the major areas of concern is to control the consumption of illegal liquor which kills people. If sale of illegal liquor is found anywhere, the police and excise chief would be held responsible," Prithiviraj Chavan, Maharashtra’s Chief Minister, warned. As if the youngsters solely contributed towards that consumption, if at all! But still, why not provide us with stats. How about the number of deaths caused by alcohol poisoning and how many of them were actually below 25? Well Mr. Chief Minister, if you really want to control the consumption of illegal liquor in your state you must ask the cops to be more active. Maybe you should increase the eligibility age of cops to 25 so that we have more mature and less corrupt cops who also do some policing work?

These measures come ahead of the passage of the state policy on de-addiction, which is being pursued by Shivajirao Moghe, Minister for Social Justice & De-addiction Activities (Can’t believe our tax money actually funds a department like this!). Since when did weekly / occasional drinking become an addiction?? This is India for god’s sake! You don’t want your kid to drink put him under a leash, perhaps whack him once or twice. Why take away the freedom of others Mr. Shivajirao? 

Obviously the ‘youngsters’ aren’t going to stop drinking; per capita consumption of alcohol world over is on the rise (If Maharashtra state excise decides to update their data of 2007-08, I could pull out some current figures).What’s worse is that these senseless rules will only act as a haven for corrupt practices. More illegal outlets which sell alcohol will mushroom in the city. More ‘Aunties’ and ‘Uncles’ will come up from whom one can procure alcohol without any difficulties at any given time.( These would probably be sold at higher rates taking into consideration the cop’s ‘cut’). As usual, once the cops come sniffing around and find underage drinking they’ll use the age old trick ‘chalo thane’ to extort money. There goes all the effort of Babaji and Hazareji! Basically we are on our path to what happened in the States over 90 years back. Prohibition Era. And once a complete ‘de-addiction’ takes place you know what’s coming next, more Al-capones, "Big Bill" Dwyer, Dawoods, Shakeels, etc. Well obviously our ministers would be equally involved in it, no wonder they’re already working on it!! We might not have Saint Valentine's Day massacre thanks to MNS and Shiv Sena, not! 

Point being that if you think you want to do the public some good, there are other ways to it. I like the idea of Mr. Chavan that they’ll spread awareness about the ill-effects of consumption via awareness camps, drives, seminars, literature etc. Do that. But let people be a judge of what they want. Where is the much talked about freedom? Why are we enforcing our views on others? Why are we turning Talibanic?

Dig into this:
In Europe, people in all countries are allowed to drink alcoholic beverages from childhood within their home (in Albania, for example, there is no age limit). Some Islamic nations prohibit Muslims, (read Pakistan), or both Muslims and non-Muslims, from drinking alcohol at any age.
Germany - 16 for wine, beer, and cider; 18 for spirits and spirit-based beverages (e.g., alcopops); 14 when with parents.
Turkey -16 (restaurants and with meal), 18 (otherwise).       
 Overall most country’s restrictions range between the age of 16-21, if at all. – Wikipedia.

Most of the countries who allow citizens the freedom to drink from the age of 16-18 don't really have wasted youths. On the contrary most of those countries are socially and economically more developed and matured than us! I don't say that alcohol consumption put those countries where they are, but I do say that curbing alcohol consumption will not get us there either! Youngsters are bound to try alcohol at ages ranging from 14-18 irrespective of what rules we make. Even if you push the age limit to 30, kids will try out alcohol at an average age of 17-18! So why not keep it to that itself? Why 25?

25 is by far the highest drinking age around the world, higher by 4 years than any other country’s age limit, (Delhi being the only other place to implement such restrictions!). It could’ve happen only in India (That too because other countries with Muslim majority have simply banned it). I think the only sensible changes in the existing law would be that no liquor shop will be allowed within a kilometer of educational and social institutions, government offices, religious places and highways. It is good that they’ve banned serving alcohol in public gatherings and celebrations till the time they don’t mean gatherings like parties, marriages or any other private function. I believe a smarter law would be about implementing strict actions against those who under influence of alcohol create nuisance, harm others, driving under influence, etc.

I wish to finish the stock that I had piled up before the rates went up and rules got changed, hope that’s still legal! But seriously I think it's time to revert back to how things were. Thank You!

PS: Wait, is there a department for wizard and witchcraft as well? Or perhaps Department for constipated and gastro? They'll ban spicy food and coffee!